About Me

My name is Sally.  I am a follower of Jesus, a wife, a mom, a home school teacher, and a cook.  I have been married to my amazing husband Ryan for nearly 10 years.  We were both born and raised in Denver, CO and we currently live in Kansas City, MO.  We have 4 wonderful boys ages 6, 4, 2, and 7 months old.  Life is busy and life is crazy but we love it.  When I got married I did not know how to cook very well, even though I enjoyed it.  So for the last number of years I have been learning and growing in my cooking ability, trying to take good care of my family.  Trying to find meals that are healthy as well as frugal.  We are missionaries at the house of prayer and seek to honor the Lord with everything including our time and our finances.  One of the ways to save money by eating good, whole, organic foods is to make it at home from scratch.  I am going to share my favorite recipes with you as I have spent the last couple years trying out all kinds of recipes, some worked and some didn't. My husband has been so encouraging along the way, he is great :)

My husband and I have a desire to walk out the first commandment in our lives and in our family by loving the Lord with all our heart, soul, mind and strength.  We want to honor the Lord with the resources he gives us, our time, our money, our children.  We desire to see and are praying for Jesus receive the reward for His suffering, by seeing a great number of souls come into the kingdom.  Jesus is worthy and we desire to see His name glorified in every tribe, tongue, people and nation.

There are many things on this earth that I enjoy and things that I am so thankful for, but there are so many things in which I am longing to see restoration.  I cannot wait to see the Place that Jesus has prepared for us!  In some ways I feel like a pilgrim, a sojourner here.  I know that I will not find true satisfaction and contentment until I am with Him in Heaven or until He comes back to rule the earth.  For now I am a sojourner here, a visitor, enjoying my time and learning the most I can and trying to be as faithful as I can, waiting for my true home in heaven!

My heart for this blog is to share the things I have learned so far and hopefully they will be helpful for you! Feel free to check out our family ministry blog by clicking here.

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