Why this Blog?

It took a while for me to come up with a name for the blog.  I thought and prayed and then came up with sojourning homemaker.  I feel like this fits me.  I am a homemaker, I spend most all of my days at home with my boys.  I spend a lot of time in the kitchen preparing meals for my family and I spend a lot of time cleaning.  My heart is to share what I have learned in my years of being a wife, mom and homemaker.   

These all died in faith without having received the promises, but they saw them from a distance, greeted them, and confessed that they were foreigners and temporary residents on the earth. (Hebrews 11:13)

There are so many examples of the people in the Bible who were faithful despite not seeing the promises fulfilled in their lifetime.  We live in a culture of immediate gratification and we have a hard time waiting and being patient for the things that we desire and waiting for things that were promised to us. We can heat up food and eat almost instantly, we can go to the store and get almost anything we need.  So when it comes to waiting for the promises the Lord has shown us, we often loose heart when we do not see them come to pass in our timing or even in our lifetime.  Even if we do not see the Lord's promises come to pass in our lifetime He is still faithful and good!  Many of the promises in the Bible are talking about our life with Him in the age to come (heaven).  Our life here on earth is not a means to an end but just the beginning of our lives.  We were created to be eternal beings.  I do know that my life here on earth is but a vapor and is only for a short time. Our time here on earth is likened to a 70 year internship, we are here preparing and learning for what is to come.  I know that life with the Lord in the age to come will be better and far exceed anything I could imagine.  My goal is to live my life faithfully here on earth that I might have greater rewards in the age to come.  My desire is to train my children up with this mindset too.  I am just a pilgrim here, a stranger, a sojourner passing through, waiting for my true home, the place I truly belong.  I do want to enjoy my life here and now and I desire to be a good steward of what the Lord has given me here and raise up godly healthy children.  So join me on this journey of being a sojourner, longing for my true home in heaven and I will share with you things I have learned so far in my life here on earth.

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