Saturday, August 16, 2014

5 Helpful Tips to Start Your Day off Well

We all want to have a good day.  We cannot control all the variables in our day, (though we might like to) but here are a few tips to help your day start off right and put you in a position to have a better day.  

1. Pray!  This is the best way to start off your day. Take a few minutes to pray for your day.  I like to ask for the Lord to help order my day.  I also like to pray for grace for me and my children; that I would have a thankful heart and be filled with the Spirit and that I would have the fruits of the Spirit towards my children and husband and whoever else I'm around that day. Praying is amazing! God hears our prayers and He will answer! Matthew 7:7-8 says "ask and it will be given to you, seek and you will find, and knock and it will be opened to you." Pray for specific things you need help with and ask for blessings on your day. 

2. Have some secret place time with The Lord. Even if it is only 5 minutes. You can still read a verse and think about it throughout your day.  I like to try to read 5 chapters in my Bible each day. (which takes about 30 minutes)  It is good to stay in the Word and get it written on your heart.  Spending time with the Lord gives fills you up so you have more to give. 

3. Get dressed in an outfit that makes you feel good. Even if you are a stay at home mom like me and do not leave your house most days, it is still helpful to get dressed because you will feel better and you will be more productive.  If putting on on fun earrings makes you feel good, go for it!  Obviously, it is important to wear clothes that are right for the job, you probably aren't going to wear an evening gown and stilettos around your house all day but a fun shirt and some feel good jeans would be great!  If you stay in pajamas all day it is not likely that you will have a productive day, because pajamas represent resting and lounging around. If you are sick or have just had a baby or if you are planning on having a rest day then pajamas would be a good fit for your day. If you want to be productive, change into some clothes that make you feel good, it will put you in a better mood and help you get more done!!

4. Have a plan for your day. It is helpful to plan out your day, having meals planned out is really helpful and it is even more helpful to plan out meals for the whole week.  It is also helpful to write down goals or things that you would like to accomplish for that day. Even if they are simple things like clean the bathrooms, have a play date, go to the park, or go to the store. If you have a plan, you will be more likely to things done.  For some it is helpful to plan out each hour of the day and for some it is helpful to just name a few things to get done.  Figure out what works for you to help you get things done.  In motherhood, there are seasons where you will be able to get lots done and then you will have other seasons where you will feel like you are hardly getting anything done.  Embrace the season that you are in and do as much as you feel like you can. 

5. Eat breakfast and drink plenty of water.  Breakfast is an important meal, don't skip it.  It is also important to drink enough water, I know that my day is busy, and I often get to the end of my day and realize that I did not drink enough water. So I like to try to drink as much water in the morning as I can.  Starting off with a good breakfast and some water will give you enough energy to tackle your day.

I hope these tips will help you start your day off right!! What things help you start your day off well?

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