Monday, July 28, 2014

Homemade Kefir Smoothie

I make this smoothie nearly every day for lunch. My husband can take it to work for a quick and easy lunch to have while he is working away and my sons love it. I love that it is so nutritious and it is easy to make. I adapted this recipe from the Nourishing Traditions Cookbook.

Here is what you are going to need: 

- Raw milk kefir (go here to see how I make it)  I use 2 (about 24 ounce) jars of kefir for my smoothies. 
- 1 cup fruit (I use all kinds of fruit; strawberries, blueberries, mango, bananas, pineapple) I usually use frozen fruit but fresh works too.
- 2 tablespoons coconut oil
- 1/2 to 3/4 teaspoon Stevia (I use the spoonable stevita)
- 1 tablespoon cod liver oil (optional)
- 1/2 teaspoon vanilla (optional, only if you use banana)

1. Put the fruit in the bottom of the blender.

2. Then add about half the kefir, then add the stevia, coconut oil, and optional cod liver oil. 

 3. Add the rest of the kefir. 

4. Then blend away. 

Serve immediately or put in the fridge for a little bit. If left in the fridge too long it will begin to separate but it is still good, just shake it up again.

This is my go to lunch; kefir smoothies and sourdough English muffins with almond butter and honey. My boys' favorite :)

** This recipe feeds me and my husband and 3 if my boys. If your family is smaller you can cut the recipe in half.
** If you decide to put cod liver oil in the smoothie make sure the flavor of the cod liver oil mixes with the fruit flavors you are putting in the smoothie otherwise it will end up tasting funny.

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