Saturday, July 5, 2014

The best way to get rid of fruit flies

It seems that the nagging fruit flies always seem to come around every summer. Especially with all the foods and beverages fermenting around my house.  I think they are annoying and I also do not want them to lay eggs in my kombucha scobys and have larvae crawling around (don't ask me know i know that :(  its not pretty) I have tried many different methods and have found the best way to get rid of them and it is super easy.

 Here is what you are going to need:
a jar
a few drops of dish soap
apple cider vinegar
a piece of paper
a piece or two of tape

Take the jar and put a couple drops of dish soap in the bottom then fill the jar up with about a half an inch or so of apple cider vinegar. Then make a little cone with the paper and make the cone wide enough that the paper does not touch the liquid on the bottom, you might have to cut your paper a little bit. Then put a piece of tape on the cone and voila. You have your very own fruit fly trap.  Place the jar in places where fruit flies tend to hang out.  I have one next to my fruit bowl and one next to my kombucha.  I change the liquid out about once a week.

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