Thursday, July 24, 2014

My Top 5 Favorite books about food and health

I have always liked cooking and making things in the kitchen.  I love reading and learning about food and trying different recipes. The last few years I have been reading books about the best ways to prepare foods and the most nutritious foods for my body and for my family.  Here are my top 5 books on food (for now)

1.  Nourishing Traditions by Sally Fallon

I have learned soooo much from this book, it has tons of recipes in it and it also tells the best ways to prepare foods so that your body can get the most vitamins out of them and digest them the best.  I highly recommend reading this book if you are interested in preparing healthy meals and snacks for you and your family!!

2.  Gut and Psychology Syndrome by Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride MD

I studied psychology in college and I have always enjoyed learning about it and I have wanted to understand the causes of various issues.  I really liked reading through this book, it made so much sense as she unfolded that all diseases begin in the gut, both psychological and physiological.  If you have food allergies or autism or depression or ADD or seasonal allergies in you or your family, this is a great read. I learned so much from this book.  There are many autistic children who are improving so dramatically by just changing their diet.  The GAPS diet focuses on eating foods that help to restore and heal the digestive system.  This book gives the guidelines to doing the GAPS diet and has many great recipes.  We have not done GAPS yet, but I am hoping to have our whole family do it for a while when I am done breastfeeding.

3. The Maker's Diet by Jordan Rubin

I read through this book a few years ago and I was inspired to change our diet around.  I loved reading his story about nearly dying from Chrone's Disease and making a dramatic recovery.  He has a 40 day diet to help improve your health.  He also has a number of recipes in this book.  I like that he really has a Biblical approach and mindset to food.

4. The Nourishing Traditions Book of Baby & Child Care by Sally Fallon Morell and Thomas S. Cowan

This is a great book for parents, it has helpful advice for pre-pregnancy all the way to adolescence.  There are helpful tips on what to eat while pregnant as well as what to feed your children, as well as some home remedies for illnesses.  She has a number of recipes for infants and children.  I like this book, I wish I would have read it before I had my first baby!

5.  Eat Fat Lose Fat by Dr. Mary Enig and Sally Fallon

This book really changed my mindsets on fat.  For so long I was under the impression that fats were bad and that fats make you fat.  It is in fact the opposite, eating enough fat helps you lose fat!  This is a great read and there are a number of great recipes in this book too.

** I would recommend checking your local library to see if they have any of these books or if you can get them from another library and put them on hold at your library.  I ended up buying all my books on amazon because I wanted to have all the recipes and I refer to these books all the time (we have amazon prime and do a lot of shopping on amazon, it is a great way to shop when you are at home a lot and do not want to take your children all around town looking for things.)

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