Saturday, July 5, 2014

A great anti-itch remedy

I really really hate to be itchy. I think I would rather be in pain than be itchy. Living in Missouri in the summer we have to deal with lots of bugs.  We have mosquitoes but the worst of all are chiggers. Their bites are 5 times worse than the bites of mosquitoes and they last for weeks. We have tried most everything on bites from hydro-cortisone creams to calamine lotion.  I learned last year that the inside of a banana peel can help with the itching.  I happened to have a chigger bite to try it out on and lo and behold it really did take away the itch. Isn't it just like the Lord to have something natural like that to help us. I love that it is a chemical free way to relieve the itch. So the next time you get a bug bite rub the inside of a banana peel on your bite and let it dry. Reapply as necessary. In the summer I usually keep a banana peel in the fridge. It feels nice to rub the cool peel in your inflamed skin. Hope this helps you relieve the itch!!

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